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Lumify Work Australia for Government

A Multi-agency Digital Skills Program

Lumify Work collaborated with the Australian Government's Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) to upskill and reskill as part of the migration to the cloud.

  • Over 1400 public sector workers were identified as requiring transformational skills as part of the digital transformation program.

  • There was a focus on skills that drive the adoption of Microsoft 365 and Azure. Cyber Security learning was “baked in” to the solution.

How Lumify Work helped

  • Training delivery and a customised delivery process ensured the right people were registered for the right event.

  • Feedback from the DTA learners and stakeholders enabled the program to evolve as the requirements were better understood.

  • The program included certification, which helped improve staff retention.

Learn more when you visit the Lumify Work Australia website. Contact the team or get in touch through [email protected]. Speak to a consultant through 1800 853 276.