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Lumify and Cyber Security

Skills Assessment

The Assessor platform built and supported by FifthDomain supports our clients in evaluating an individual’s or team’s cyber skills, via skills-based assessments in real-world, experiential environments. The Assessor platform’s rich reporting insights support management decision making, so you can understand where individual and team capabilities and gaps are and utilise Lumify training to build capability.

Pick-and-mix from realistic scenarios to craft your ideal cyber candidate screening experience. Leverage our platform’s data insight and analysis to measure and visualize the capability of your prospective hires and internal transfers. By assessing based on skill, you can unlock access to additional talent from non-traditional pathways to get the edge in the war for cyber talent. Whether you are building a new cyber security operations capability or levelling up an existing one, Assessor means you can hire and operate with confidence.

Deploying the Skills Assessment platform within your organisation will provide a clear picture of your employees' current cyber security skills and identify areas for improvement, allowing us to develop targeted training solutions.

Through evaluating and improving your cyber security skills, you can reduce the risk of significant consequences, including financial losses, damage to reputation, and loss of customer trust.

A dedicated challenges content library for clients made up of 50 challenges of which 6 challenges using VMs and 44 are static challenges.

Ideal for recruitment and ongoing skills assessment of individuals to outline recommended skills training as assessments can be tailored to individuals or teams with selected challenges aligning to roles or skills within the organization.

Detailed assessment reporting provided to outline strengths or training requirements for an individual.

Hosted platform with built in VM allowing it to be run from any location.

Launching May 2023